Health Pyramid of Pauri
Health Pyramid of Pauri Garhwal
At this time there are 1 District Hospitals & 1 District Female Hospital, 1 Medical College, 3 Sub District Hospitals, 5 CHCs, 10 Block Level PHCs, 22 Add. PHCs 67 State Allophatic Dispensaries and 239 Subcentres are functioning in the District.
In above facilities some units are functioning in Govt. Building, some are under construction and some units are in rented building
The primary tier has three types of health care institutions namely, a Sub-Centre (SC) for a population of 3000 to 5000, a Primary Health Centre (PHC) for 20,000 to 30,000 population and a Community Health Centre (CHC) for every 50,000 population.
The district hospitals function as the secondary tier of care for the rural population. Tertiary health care is provided by highly specialised hospitals and health care institutions that are well equipped with sophisticated diagnostic and investigative facilities.
The health set-up in Pauri is thus designed in a three-tier fashion :
Rural Health Structure
The Grass Root Level Health Facility
- One Auxiliary Nurse Midwife.
- One Male Health Worker.
- One Health Vistor from the PHC/CHC - supervision of Sub Centres.
The Primary Healthcare Facility
- One Medical Officer
- One paramacist, One Staff Nurse, One ANM and other staff
- Indoor/Outdoor patients services
- In door patients - 4 beds
- Curative, preventive, promotional and Family Welfare Services
First Referral Unit with Specialized services
- Four specialist doctors in the areas of Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics and Gynaec- Obst.
- One Pharamcist,Two staff nurse, One ANM and other Para Medical staff.
- Out patients services
- In door patients; 30 beds
- Operation Theatre
- Labour Room
- X-ray Machine
- Pathological Laboratory
- Standby Generator